Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What You Need to Know About Cellulite

The term cellulite originated in European spas and salons and they explain it as deposits of tiny fat globules on the buttocks and thighs.  Cellulite is a buildup of lumpy, thick, irregular fat deposits with an orange peel appearance.  The most common areas are around the buttocks, hips, and thighs, and is not necessarily a factor of body weight.  You do not have to be heavy to have cellulite.  Nevertheless, it is possible to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Cellulite is not a medical term.  However, medical professionals agree that it is a buildup of common fatty tissue.  The skin is connected by strands of fibrous tissues to deeper tissue layers, which separates the fat cell compartments.  The increase in the size of fat cells is accompanied by a waffled appearance of the skin that results in the bulging of the fat cell compartments.

Speedy metabolism and detoxification in the body help in gradual elimination of cellulite.  A healthy metabolism is capable of eradicating cellulite forever. The proper functioning of the liver is also necessary for detoxification.
Bio-ceramic additive reflects your body's own infrared rays, which help to break down cellulite cells and revitalize tissue.  Increased heat and molecular stimulation enhances the effectiveness of exercise, increases blood flow, and accelerates metabolism to burn more calories.
Women who are concerned about cellulite can take certain steps to reduce the appearance or eliminate it altogether.  Eating a well balance diet that is low in fat will help to reduce and eliminate further progression.  Exercise is also an important factor; if the body is toned, it results in good circulation, thus another step in reducing cellulite.  In addition, drinking plenty of water has many health benefits and will aid in fighting cellulite.

Genetics and hormones may also play a factor in whether you develop cellulite.  While there is not much we can do about genetics and hormones, eating a healthy diet and exercise has proven to reduce and even avoid cellulite.


What is effective Cellulite Treatment?

First off let me start by saying, no one is cellulite free. We all have a certain amount of cellulite underneath our skin. Of course some do have more then others, but it's a natural thing for us to have some. In a nut shell cellulite is simple fat deposits  held in pockets just below the skin. The form of lipids (fats) below the skin aren't much different then those found elsewhere in the body, how ever it's because they are close to the skins surface that they cause the negative appearance.

So what can you do about cellulite?

Exercise is a viable option for many. Partaking in cardio activities several times a week will help burn fat, and tone the leg muscles. While this method will work for many, often sometimes some women need more then just exercise to help rid themselves of cellulite.

Next on the list is the numerous medical procedures we can have done. From liposuction too vacuum and roller techniques some of these processes can be effective, how ever painful, costly, and have some nasty side effects. For some people this is the only avenue they evaluate for treating cellulite, but they're skipping over what really should be the first attack on cellulite.

Cellulite Treatment Products

With our aging population, cellulite treatment has been receiving more and more attention from cosmetic and supplement manufacturers. Our population is becoming more affluent, and therefore looking for more alternatives then just surgery and exercise to solve cosmetic issues such as cellulite. Hence there has been a dawn of a range of cellulite treatment products.

While like anything new some of these cellulite treatment products work better then others. It's important to do your homework prior to trying one out. While there is minimal if any side effects it's still important to not waste your time on something that isn't going to provide you with results.

The majority of these cellulite treatment products a comprised of natural ingredients. Most work on a basis of shrinking the cellulite molecules, or using some sort of ingredient to speed up the burning of fat. Both of these methods work well, and take next to no time on your part to apply the product. For those of us that don't have the spare time in our hectic schedules to exercise several times a week, or drastically change our lifestyles, an cellulite treatment product is the best option for ridding ourselves of that pesky cellulite problem.


What Causes Cellulite And How To Prevent It

It is a common knowledge that the appearance of cellulite is more common in women; and their age is of minor importance here since cellulite is often caused by hormonal disorders.

During the onset of puberty the body begins to produce hormones, including female ones that are responsible for formation of adipose tissue and may damage circulation and drainage in the tissues under the skin.

However, abnormal changes in tissues can be avoided if hormonal disorders are taken care of on the early stages. The young bodies can defend themselves better; and such disorders in teens are caused mostly by changes in metabolic process and thus are of temporary nature.

A number of factors can cause cellulite, however, the main causes are hereditary factors and unhealthy lifestyle. Hereditary factor cannot be denied since there are too many examples of this abound. What is more, however paradoxical it may seem, family upbringing plays a significant role in why we live an unhealthy lifestyle. The expression unhealthy lifestyle has an extensive meaning and includes a number of factors characteristic of human beings. In this connection the Oriental wisdom should be mentioned: in Orientalism the harmony and ways to achieve it were explored for years. The life is conceived by Oriental people as the unity of light yang and dark yin. There is no telling that yang is good and should exist, while yin is bad and should be got rid of. Such approach is typical of a Westerner accustomed to oppose good to evil. A Chinese or Japanese, however, sees no conflict here, and accepts the world as is, with any seeming contradictions.

In fact, who can say for sure what is better and what is worse: warmth or cold, day or night, man or woman? These are indivisible and interconnected components of our world that form the world order – Dao. And a human's aim is to cognize Dao, and achieve harmony by adjusting the life to the naturalness of the world. It surely requires many efforts, and we have to rid ourselves step by step of vileness in us.

If we consider this desire from the point of view of our flesh, we may come to many questions. And the first of them is what the right and healthy diet is?


Natural and Inexpensive Home Treatments for Cellulite

"Cellulite" is a skin condition that gives the appearance of small bumps and ripples under the skin.  The bumps are caused by the underlying fat cells growing too large and stretching the natural fiber compartments that hold the skin to the underlying layers of tissues.

"Cellulite" is ordinary fat, but ordinary fat that affects the appearance of the skin. Strands of fibrous collagen tissue connect the skin to the subcutaneous layers and also separate compartments that contain fat cells. When fat cells increase in size, these compartments bulge and produce a rippled  appearance of the skin.

Women tend to have cellulite more often than men because they have a vertical pattern of collagen in the underlying layer that holds the fat cells, and when the fat cells become very large, they bulge out of the chambers and appear as cellulite.  In men, the pattern of collagen is tighter, in a diagonal pattern, and they have thicker skin, so there is less bulging of the individual fat cells.  Another factor in cellulite is high levels of estrogen, since this hormone has a direct effect on the holding capacity of fat cells through the increase of alpha-adrenoreceptors, the chemical doorways that tell your fat cells to hold on to their contents.  Poor diet, bad circulation, and poor lymphatic circulation can all contribute to the appearance of cellulite.


There are several extra steps you can take for the treatment of cellulite.  Consider your skin care regimen, and fine-tune it to meet the needs of skin that has a tendency to swell with fluids, store fat and have poor circulation.

Nutrition:  Although cellulite is a skin condition, it's closely tied to the storage of excess fat. If you are significantly overweight, you should certainly alter your diet. The dietary enzyme bromelain can improve overall circulation to your skin and adipose tissues by removing the buildup of fibrin on the walls of blood vessels.  Treating cellulite requires a two-pronged approach - one being the shrinking of the fat cells themselves, the second being the regeneration of collagen and strengthening of the skin outside of the swollen fat cells.

Cleansing:  When cleaning your skin, use your wash cloth or loufah to massage the area where cellulite occurs.  At first, use a circular motion and then a brushing motion upwards towards the bowels.  This will improve circulation and edema, and help remove toxins and metabolic wastes out of the tissues and interstitial spaces around the collagen and fat cells.

Other Treatments:

· Dry Skin Brushing:  Learn to dry brush your skin at least twice every day - upon rising and before going to bed. Skin brushing provides many benefits in the treatment of cellulite. First of all, it's "exercise" for you skin, and strengthens the underlying dermis and pattern of collagen in the subcutaneous layer. It stimulates the growth and repair of the tissues by increasing blood flow to the area.  It also helps remove toxins and metabolic wastes out of the interstitial fluids surrounding the tissues for disposal. Dry brushing is good for you skin all over, but if you are suffering from spider or varicose veins, brushing these areas vigorously several times every day, first in a circular motion and then upwards towards the colon, can improve the appearance of cellulite.

· Hormones:  Cellulite is often associated with the use of HRT and birth control pills.  High levels of estrogen from these medications can cause an increase in the fatty tissues ability to store fats and cause them to bulge, pushing out the skin and causing cellulite. If you are using birth control pills for contraception, you may want to ask your doctor for a lower-estrogen dose formula or a non-hormonal form, such as an IUD.  If you are on HRT, you may want to consider switching to a lower dose, adding progesterone cream, or using a weaker formula, such as an estrone cream.

· Habits: Get out of the habit of crossing your legs, knees and ankles.  This reduces circulation and increases swelling.  Try to keep moving regularly, neither sitting nor standing for long periods.

· Exercise:  Regular exercise is necessary for the improvement of cellulite.  Not only does it help reduce the appearance of cellulite by burning the fatty acids that are causing the cellulite.  It also improves circulation and helps to remove toxin-filled wastes away from the skin.  Take up a walking program, or sneaking in a set of exercises in the restroom during breaks.  Teresa Tapp's "T-Tapp" program is renowned for short, effective exercise movements that reduce cellulite and increase overall blood and lymph circulation.  Rashelle Haines program "LifeLift" is also excellent for improving lymphatic circulation, burning excess fat and glucose and improving muscle and skin tone.

· Body Wraps:  Body wraps, both professional and homemade can improve the appearance of cellulite.  Body wraps use a combination of minerals and herbs that stimulate the fat cells to release their contents, they absorb toxins from the skin and reduce swelling.  Generally you will find stimulant herbs like kelp or algae that stimulate the fat burning process in the cells.  You will find cosmetic clays that will remove toxins and wastes from the pores, and horsetail and horse chestnut that reduce edema (swelling) and provide minerals for strengthening the skin.  These formulas are applied to the skin with the use of compression wraps.  For recipes for doing home wraps, go to the Botanical Beauty Lab website.

· Massage:  Massage, particularly the kind that improves lymph flow, is very good for reducing the appearance of cellulite.  It improves the removal of metabolic wastes and toxins from the interstitial tissues around the adipose tissues, and gives the skin a smoother appearance.  There are many professionals offering massage for cellulite, including lymphatic massage and endermology, but if that is out of your budget, you may want to try a home massage device.  Many are available, from a simple round-prong hand tool to a powered massager that provides heat, massage and suction similar to the professional endermology machines.


Alfalfa:  Alfalfa is a natural diuretic that helps balance the body's interstitial fluids and reduces edema and swelling.  It's also a phytoprogesterone, which helps balance the excess estrogen that can exacerbate cellulite.

Borage Oil:  Borage oil contains high amounts gamma linoleic acid, which is an important fatty acid to the strengthening of cell walls.

Bromelain:  Bromelain is a naturally occurring enzyme in natural foods that aid in the digestion of proteins.  The consumption of bromelain aids in the removal of fibrin buildup in fine blood vessels.  This improves and increases circulation to the skin, and aids in repair and rejuvenation.

Horsetail:  Horse Chestnut herb contains high levels of the mineral silica, which is used in the repair and maintenance of skin cells.

Cider Vinegar contains an array of important enzymes and aids in balancing body pH.  It's also a good source of potassium, which is necessary for fluid balance in the body.

Coconut Oil contains medium chain triglycerides which are easily absorbed and used by the body for fuel.  It has the capability of stimulating the thyroid gland, which increases body temperature and metabolism and is known for improving the burning of excess fat.

Ginkgo Biloba is a natural blood thinner that increases the microcirculation to skin and fat cells.

Gotu Kolu is a natural source of caffeine.  Caffeine stimulates the beta-adrenoreceptors on the surface of the fat cells to release their stores of fatty acids, aiding in the burning of excess fat.

Green Tea:  Green tea is a mild stimulate that contains caffeine as well as powerful antioxidants that aid in the proper replication and repair of skin cells.

MSM: Is an important mineral that is necessary for skin cell repair.


Aloe Vera contains alatoin, which sooths and heals skin.  It has been shown clinically to increase microcirculation of the skin and to speed healing of skin tissues.

Betonite Clay is a natural mineral clay that is known for its ability to absorb impurities and toxins from the skin through the pores.

Horsetail, ginkgo biloba, kelp and green tea also work externally and can be added to lotions or creams for massage into problem areas.

Many experts have recommended using coffee grounds as a scrub for cellulite prone areas.  The grounds work as an exfoliant, as the caffeine absorbs into the skin and stimulate the beta adrenoreceptors in the fat cells to release their contents.

Dead Sea Salts and Kelp or bladderwrack contain powerful minerals that aid in the repair of skin cells as well as the mineral iodine which can aid in the metabolism of the underlying fat cells.

There are also many commercial formulas and methods for the reduction of cellulite.  Most contain caffeine or a similar chemical called theophylline or aminophylline.  Many also contain kelp, bladderwrack and other herbs mentioned herein.

Just remember that cellulite reduction is a two step process.  The cause of cellulite is over-sized fat cells that have stretched out the collagen structure underlying the skin.  The first step is to reduce bodyfat, and many herbs and nutrients both external and external can accelerate the process.  The second step is to increase the strength of the skin and the collagen webs under the subcutaneous tissues.  Skin and collagen require vitamins, minerals and fatty acids to rebuild themselves properly.  Excess fluids can exacerbate the problem, so proper fluid intake and circulation is important.  Drink plenty of fluids, and stay active to increase the circulation of the lymph system. With a little diligent effort the appearance of cellulite can be reduced.


Mesotherapy Medicine: Effective Cellulite Treatment or Snake Oil?

Mesotherapy has been practiced in Europe successfully for over a decade and is now becoming one of the hottest new cellulite reduction procedured being requested in American Medi-spas and doctors offices.  Along with its rising popularity has come questions about its proven effectiveness and scientific rigor supporting claims of its ability to melt fat and reduce cellulite deposits.

Mesotherapy Cellulite Treatment involves the use of medication compounds injected right into localized areas of the skin for fast absorbsion into the dermis layer. This fairly new procedure has rapidly become the latest trend for eliminating localized fat deposits and cellulite.  Some new studies suggest it may also have some anti-aging benefits. Mesotherapy claims to work by delivering tiny amounts of all natural extracts of vitamins and other pharmaceutical agents directly into the dermis, which then starts to melt away the fat deposits trapped inside the dermis layer which form part of the cellulite problem.  It also claims to improve circulation, repair weakened connective skin tissue and improve lymphatic drainage.

After an injection of the mesotharapy medication, practictioners claim your body will begin the process of stimulation and start to heal itself. Mesotherapy is usually practiced to target localized areas on the body for cellulite treatment, however it can also be used over the entire body for overall fat reduction. Mesotherapy is virtually painless with little or no side effects other than possible bruising or swelling which will usually last about a week and clear up. Comprehensive scientific studies on the effectiveness of Mesotherapy at reducing fat and cellulite is limited in the established medical community.  Mesotherapy has been practiced in European cities for well over a decade with generally positive overall annecdotal results and has also reported a good safety track record.

Mesotherapy is a well practiced cellulite reduction procedure that can help thousands of people every day in the treatment of cellulite and has been accepted as a standard procedure in most European anti aging skin care clinics for the last decade. This hot new way of treating cellulite may cost less than other more invasive cosmetic cellulite treatments, and overall is generally considered to be quite safe if performed by skilled practictioners that provide the highest grade of injectible ingredients.  The cost for Mesotherapy will depend on the location or area of where you live and doctors fees for this treatment will vary.  Most patients start to see actually improvement with as little as a couple of treatments. As with any treatment you should consult your health practictioners and not be afraid of seeking second opinions.


How To Get Rid Of Cellulite: 5 Simple Tips

First of all, you cannot completely get rid of cellulite. I don't say that to discourage you but rather to encourage you. The reason being that all women have it, even supermodels! That's right, even the woman who makes Supermodels out of mere mortals, Tyra Banks has admitted to having cellulite.

However don't fret. Here are 5 Simple Tips you can use to smoothe it out.

Simple Tip #1: By working out.

Your best bet is to combine cardio training with strength training to hit it with a double whammy.

Running and stair climbing should be a big part of your cardio for targeting cellulite.

As far as the strength training, you want to build muscle in the areas that are most likely going to be affected, such as the butt, the thighs, and the belly.

Squats, leg curls, sit-ups, and reverse sit-ups are your very best bet.

Simple Tip #2: You must drink plenty water! About 1 - 2 litres a day to flush out toxins that can cause cellulite.

Fat cells surround toxins as a way of protecting your body. One way to lose the fat cells that surround the toxins is to lose the toxins of course.

Also, staying hydrated is important to the appearance of the skin, keeps the muscles fuller, and of course flushes the system.

Simple Tip #3: Body brushing helps.

It's very simple. The best place to do this is in the shower since you're already naked anyways.

You want to brush in circular movements upwards towards the heart. This promotes circulation and blood flow, plus a detoxifying affect since it stimulates the lymph system.

Simple Tip #4: Eat plenty of green vegetables such as broccoli, which is great for de-toxing.

Obviously, entire books can and have been written about diet so I can't go through it all here, but the best diet for cellulite and fat reduction is one made up mostly of vegetable, particularly raw ones.

Okay, Tip 5 is not soooo simple.

Not so Simple Tip #5: After trying exercise and a good diet without positive results in losing cellulite dimples, the last resort is through lipsosuction. There are some creams with caffeine in them that may mask the cellulite appearance, but surgery is usually the last resort effort.
The downfall being that the cost is usually at least $5000 on up.

Bonus Tip#6: Become happy with yourself the way that you are. Read self-help books, or see a therapist. There's no better feeling than being happy with yourself. Go grab the great book "Psycho Cybernetics" and apply what you learn to developing killer self-confidence.

Cellulite may just be the least of your problems on the grand scale.


How To Finally Get Rid Of Cellulite For Good

Getting rid of cellulite

When you think of cellulite, you probably think of ugly 'orange peel skin' and 'cottage cheese thighs.' Cellulite is embarrassing, it's depressing, and it's unhealthy. The bad part is you don't even have to be fat to have cellulite. Even thin and slender people suffer from this malady. Regular fat settles in all parts of the body, but cellulite gravitates towards certain areas, like

-Back and inner areas of upper arms

Cellulite is a potential precursor of other health problems like varicose veins and broken blood vessels. A simple test will help detect cellulite. Press the tissue between thumb and finger, or between two palms. If cellulite is present, you will see ugly 'orange peel' designs on the skin.

Formation of cellulite:
Muscles in our body are covered with a padding of fatty connective tissue. This is surrounded by a liquid, which nourishes and helps remove waste. When all systems work in harmony, waste products that collect in this liquid are removed efficiently. But when waste begins building up in this liquid, it thickens and hardens into pockets. This forms grooves that look like "cottage cheese."

Certain contributing factors help the buildup of cellulite:
-Lack of exercise
-Constipation and digestion problems
-Insufficient intake of water
-Poor eating habits
-Hormonal cycles

Cellulite formation can begin during teenage years. Although cellulite is not hereditary, incorrect eating habits are usually passed down from parents to children.

To regain the smooth contours of your skin, you need to loosen the trapped waste matter and flush these from the body. The connective tissue also has to be loosened and restored to its original elasticity. The best way to do this is through strength training, cardiovascular work, and a healthy diet.

Strength training:
As we age, metabolism slows down, and there is a startling loss of muscle from the body. Simultaneously, fat begins to accumulate. A woman can easily gain 15 pounds of fat per decade. Strength training fights this detrimental muscle loss and limits fat gain. Muscles burn calories, even when the body is at rest. Concentrate on exercises that target your hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, and abductors. Lunging, squatting, leg curls, and leg extensions are effective.

If you are on a quest for a lean, smooth, cellulite-free physique, evaluate your eating habits. Eat food rich in fiber. Stay away from white flour, white rice, commercial fruit juices, colas and burgers. Five to six small but balanced meals, rich in lean proteins (fish and chicken) and low-glycemic carbs (oatmeal and yams) are the best. Limit the intake of sodium. Alcohol is a definite NO.

Drink lots of water, as detoxification is an important part of your battle against cellulite. Proper elimination of waste is necessary. Constipation is a major cause of cellulite. Do not use laxatives to remedy this; instead use stool-bulking products. These products are not habit-forming and do not have any side effects. A fiber rich diet aids fast bowel movements.

Massaging the areas that contain cellulite will stimulate circulation. This is particularly good for areas that are hard to be exercised, like the inner areas of the thighs and the upper arms.

Most women and quite a few men detest the splotches made by cellulite on otherwise creamy smooth skin. The process of eliminating cellulite can be slow and sometimes very discouraging. Hard work and optimism are the only mantras here.
Getting rid of cellulite

When you think of cellulite, you probably think of ugly 'orange peel skin' and 'cottage cheese thighs.' Cellulite is embarrassing, it's depressing, and it's unhealthy. The bad part is you don't even have to be fat to have cellulite. Even thin and slender people suffer from this malady. Regular fat settles in all parts of the body, but cellulite gravitates towards certain areas, like

-Back and inner areas of upper arms

Cellulite is a potential precursor of other health problems like varicose veins and broken blood vessels. A simple test will help detect cellulite. Press the tissue between thumb and finger, or between two palms. If cellulite is present, you will see ugly 'orange peel' designs on the skin. 

Formation of cellulite:
Muscles in our body are covered with a padding of fatty connective tissue. This is surrounded by a liquid, which nourishes and helps remove waste. When all systems work in harmony, waste products that collect in this liquid are removed efficiently. But when waste begins building up in this liquid, it thickens and hardens into pockets. This forms grooves that look like "cottage cheese." 

Certain contributing factors help the buildup of cellulite:
-Lack of exercise
-Constipation and digestion problems
-Insufficient intake of water
-Poor eating habits
-Hormonal cycles

Cellulite formation can begin during teenage years. Although cellulite is not hereditary, incorrect eating habits are usually passed down from parents to children. 

To regain the smooth contours of your skin, you need to loosen the trapped waste matter and flush these from the body. The connective tissue also has to be loosened and restored to its original elasticity. The best way to do this is through strength training, cardiovascular work, and a healthy diet. 

Strength training:
As we age, metabolism slows down, and there is a startling loss of muscle from the body. Simultaneously, fat begins to accumulate. A woman can easily gain 15 pounds of fat per decade. Strength training fights this detrimental muscle loss and limits fat gain. Muscles burn calories, even when the body is at rest. Concentrate on exercises that target your hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, and abductors. Lunging, squatting, leg curls, and leg extensions are effective. 

If you are on a quest for a lean, smooth, cellulite-free physique, evaluate your eating habits. Eat food rich in fiber. Stay away from white flour, white rice, commercial fruit juices, colas and burgers. Five to six small but balanced meals, rich in lean proteins (fish and chicken) and low-glycemic carbs (oatmeal and yams) are the best. Limit the intake of sodium. Alcohol is a definite NO. 

Drink lots of water, as detoxification is an important part of your battle against cellulite. Proper elimination of waste is necessary. Constipation is a major cause of cellulite. Do not use laxatives to remedy this; instead use stool-bulking products. These products are not habit-forming and do not have any side effects. A fiber rich diet aids fast bowel movements. 

Massaging the areas that contain cellulite will stimulate circulation. This is particularly good for areas that are hard to be exercised, like the inner areas of the thighs and the upper arms. 

Most women and quite a few men detest the splotches made by cellulite on otherwise creamy smooth skin. The process of eliminating cellulite can be slow and sometimes very discouraging. Hard work and optimism are the only mantras here.


Foods and Supplements that Control Cellulite

What creates the cottage cheese effect of cellulite? Simply put, cellulite is caused by loose or weak skin and connective tissues that are unable to keep the fat tissues contained within their compartments. Fat tissues or deposits escape through weakened connective fibrous strands and buoy up to the surface, creating the pebbly, orange peel effect. Strong skin and muscles are the best preventive measures for runaway fat. Keeping the cell body firm and intact would mean keeping control over fatty deposits. Cellulite is formed by the creation of water pockets and fat deposits which means that the most effective avenue for controlling them is through exercise and diet. An exercise program is absolutely necessary as well as proper foods and supplementation. Certain foods known for their cell-building properties can help control cellulite.

Protein: The cellulite problem is most pronounced in women who have sagging muscles and skin. Exercise and protein can reduce the stores of fat under the skin; protein helps to firm up muscles that can keep fat stores in place and reduce the dimpled effect of cellulite. Older skin, like older muscles, needs protein, especially soy protein with less fat, for toning and firming. How much protein would you need to produce firm, toned muscles? Approximately .6 gram per pound of lean body mass if you are a moderately active person and 1 gram per pound of lean body mass if you are very active. Go for lean protein in fish, especially salmon because fish provides a high dose of essential fatty acids.

Amino Acids and Essential Fatty Acids: You also need amino acids that help build the skin's store of collagen and elastin. The best sources for these are complex carbohydrates like beans, whole grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruit. These provide your body with essential fatty acids that slow down the division of skin cells, thus reducing the incidence of mutations  and inflammation within these cells, even when they are exposed to ultra violet light. All cells in the human body are surrounded by a membrane composed of phospholipids made chiefly from essential fatty acids. This membrane controls what goes into the cells and what comes out. A good source of essential fatty acids would literally fortify the cell membrane and keep the cell body intact. Research shows that supplementation with fish oil and flaxseed oil can produce marked improvement in skin texture and tone within the first 2 months of use. Because the outer skin replaces itself every 50-80 days, proper supplementation can have a direct and firming effect on skin.

Glucosamine: Glucosamine is a supplement that helps arthritis; it has been shown to restore moisture to arthritic joints as well by keeping the cell tissues well hydrated; this in turn has a positive, plumping effect on the cells, thus reducing the dimpling and curdling of the skin. Adequate amounts of glucosamine in the blood are necessary for skin resilience. Studies show that participants who begin taking glucosamine before and after surgery experienced faster healing with less scarring of skin tissues than participants who did not take glucosamine.

Of course, dietary supplementation and diets are only half effective without exercise. There is no doubt that cellulite can be improved with exercise. Wayne Westcott Ph.D, director of research programs at the South Shore YMCA in Quincy, Massachussetts, produced workout routines that showed an appreciable decrease in cellulite. For 2 months, 16 slightly overweight women participated in 20 minutes of cardio, strength and flexibility exercises three times a week. At the end of 2 months, the women lost an average of 1 and 1/3 inches from their hips, and an average of 1 pound. All the women reported less cellulite on their lower bodies, a situation that was confirmed by ultrasound measurements.

For best results in reducing the cottage cheese look of cellulite, eat protein and take up a consistent exercise routine. This combination will raise your metabolism, build lean body tissue, firm the muscles under the skin and keep the fatty deposits under control within the connective tissues. As well, eat plenty of beans, whole grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits for sources of amino acids to help build collagen and elastin in the skin. Take glucosamine supplements to increase skin resilience. A good source of essential fatty acids from fish oil and flaxseed oil can also bolster the integrity of skin cell membranes which will minimize the problem of runaway fatty tissues-- which essentially is what cellulite is all about.


Exercises Danger on the Last Stage of Cellulite

Today the complex at-home cellulite treatment commonly includes cellulite reducing exercises, dietary changes and cellulite remedies like creams and lotions. Why exercises? Muscles activity during exercises brings venous blood from the lower extremities back to heart. It is very important for normal blood circulation, water exchange and toxins deriving from the organism. Human body to 60 % consists of water. The liquid exchange between the blood and the cells can comprise to 4000 liters day-long. If the normal circulation is retarded, the accumulation of intercellular lymph in the cloths occurs. In those places where the lymphatic liquid speed is too small developments of stagnation provoke the cellulite formation.

Especially if woman already has the cellulite at last stage any exercises are not helping as many people think and may be dangerous! Liquid exchanging mechanism is not sufficient even in the complete rest however any exercise demands on intensified oxygen entering to muscles. Therefore at the intense of metabolic products formation these slag are not excreted from tissues and it causes the further intoxication. The lactic acid and other acid products helping on the conservation of liquid in tissues are accumulates when the muscles making an effort. Tissues swell as a result and that aggravates the cellulite.


Exercise and Cellulite

When George turned 65, he was 25 pounds overweight. By strict dieting, he shed the extra pounds, but he lost more weight; he also lost his energy and vitality. He was always exhausted, and his friends, seeing his gaunt, drawn face, worried about his health.

By the time volunteered for a particular fitness program two years later, he had put 25 extra pounds back on. After 6 months of exercise and some willpower at the dinner table, Mike slimmed down again. This time he felt better than he ever had, brimming with energy and glowing with good health.

What made the difference? The first time Mike lost weight; the second time he lost fat. The distinction is important. According to research, a large portion of the weight lost by dieting alone is active tissue, such as muscle and connective tissue, while a smaller fraction is excess fat. Exercise has the opposite effect. It increased his lean body mass and decreased his excess fat.

Same thing goes with cellulite. Most people tend to think that cellulites are only present to people who are obese. That is why they sometimes associate cellulite with fats and obesity.

Actually, even if cellulite refers to the chain of wrinkled "fat cells" and "subcutaneous connective tissues" beneath the layer of the skin, it should never be associated with people who are fat or obese. In fact, there are many people who have cellulite but are not fat at all.

In reality, nobody knows the main reason why some people accumulate cellulite. However, there are some factors that health experts are considering such as the structure of the fat cells or the poison that entered the body. Some experts say it may be caused by some hormonal changes in the body. But none of these things has been proven to cause cellulites.

However, the only main reason why most of the cellulite cases are abundant in women is that the connective tissues of women are more rigid and firm than men. Hence, whenever a woman gets fat, the fatty cells tend to swell and get bigger. It creates a protruding appearance to the skin producing an "orange peel" look.

For this reason, women are more prone to cellulite than men. That is why it is important for women to be more careful on their body as they have higher chances of accumulating cellulite.

Fats and Cellulite

With the many cases of obese people having cellulites in their body, most of them believed that their cellulites are caused by being too fat.

Even though not all those who are obese develop cellulites, being overweight can really trigger the development of cellulites. This is because too much fat under the skin tend to push the connective tissue creating a strain on the skin. Thus, cellulites form.

However, this is still dependent on the structure of the cells. If an individual's cell structure does not inhibit the tendency to bulge or expand even if fat deposits accumulate, then there will be no cellulites.

So, the most important thing to remember here is to keep those connective tissues firm and strong and avoid accumulating excess fats so as to avoid the development of cellulite.

How? Start an exercise routine program.

Transforming food into fat seems all too easy for most of us. Losing fat is far more difficult, and to accomplish this, we have only three alternatives: (1) decrease food intake and keep activity constant; (2) increase activity and keep food intake constant; or (3) combine both approaches: diet and exercise.

Physical activity can help reverse the results of inactivity. An hour of vigorous exercise burns up 300 to 600 calories. If you also cut 300 to 500 calories from your daily menu, you can also lose weight at the rate of one to two pounds a week.

Without exercise, you would have to eat 500 to 1,000 fewer calories a day to lose the same number of pounds in a week. Exercise is not for everyone who is over-fat, however. The severely obese person should exercise only under medical supervision to prevent strain on the cardiovascular system and connective tissue. And no one should restrict food intake drastically without consulting doctor.

Resorting to this kind of activity will only get the matter worse. Remember what happened to Mike? He thought that when he started dieting, he would eventually lose all the excess fats he has accumulated. The problem is that he lost those connective tissues rather than excess fat.

For people who are prone to cellulites, this will be a greater problem. Losing connective tissues instead of fat by strict dieting can only make the skin more prone to greater problems but the fat cells are still there. That only means that the problem is not solved at all.

Hence, if you wish to loose those cellulites, it would be better to loose those fats first. The idea here is to burn those fats by increasing your metabolism by 7.5% to 28% more than your normal rate.

It is for this reason that exercising is an important factor in losing cellulite. So for a more cellulite free body, always engage in an exercise routine.


Easy Methods To Prevent And Reduce Cellulite

This is for those people with cellulite or those who desire to prevent it: you are advised to go on a detoxifying diet, including in it many fresh fruits and vegetables, and avoiding black tea, iced tea, coffee and alcohol.

The canned foods also need to be forbidden. Important aspects to have an eye on are the water retainer alimentary substances, which can increase the problem of having cellulite. An example can be the sodium, existing in great amounts in the salt and gravies like Chinese shoyu. Lactose (sugar of milk) can provide the same effect, so it also has to be consumed with moderation. Choose yoghurts and cheeses that possess reduced lactose. It is also important to reduce the fat on the diet, since it contributes for the increase of cells that produce the adipose tissue, consequently leading to weight gaining, and this is extremely related with the advance of the cellulite. Associated to a balanced diet, you must practice exercises regularly.

You should rather food that contain vitamins, fibres, minerals and fewer calories, since they regulate the process of energy production in the system, besides diminishing the absorption of fat of foods and controlling the restoration of tissues, keeping your skin healthy and stunning.

Drinking water is another very important item to acknowledge. You must drink per day, minimum two litres to hydrate the body; this procedure assesses the kidneys in the toxin elimination and assists in the treatment for cellulite. Here's a hot tip: besides all these benefits for your body, it fools the stomach by giving it a sensation of satisfaction of already eaten before.

Have a lot of meals in small portions during the day. It makes the digestion easier. You will have less appetite and your organism will have less fat to deposit on those spots we most hate, like thighs, hips, bum, etc.

Be sure to chew properly and slowly. This will slow down the digestion, meaning that the stomach will take longer to send the brain the message of the digestion, diminishing your motivation and will to eat more.

Here are some extra tips to prevent cellulite:

- Lean protein sources must be consumed, for example the egg white, white meat (such as chicken and fish meat) and lean red meat (filet mignon). Instead of fried meals, you can replace it with a grilled or baked preparation.

- Avoid food with too much fat, such as greasy pizzas, gravies, cheese, filled bread and cookies, buttered biscuits, ice-cream, etc.

- Choose having food that lack refined sugar. Some of these are the pasta, potatoes and fruits. If you feel like eating a candy, prefer a cereal bar.

- Avoid using excessive oil during the preparation of the food.

- Foods containing mostly fibre are great sources of energy and help to diminish the absorption of fat, besides contributing for the regulation of the intestine.

- Try to choose eating foods that do not contain salt in its formula, like the diet cookies, margarine without salt, vegetables and natural seasons and spices, for the same reasons mentioned previously about the consequences of having too much salt.

- If you prepare a meal, do not add too much salt during its preparation neither after it's ready. Here's an advice: do not place the saltcellar on the table to start with!

- Do not take sodas and alcoholic beverages, because they only provide calories and possess no nutritional value. Prefer juices or water.

- Practice aerobic physical exercises, like jogging, riding bicycle and swimming; these sorts of exercises help to burn fat and calories, consequently decreasing the cellulite.


Discover Everything You Need To Know About Cellulite

Embarrassing and unsightly, no one likes cellulite, on themselves or anyone else. But while most people have no trouble identifying it, scant few understand exactly what cellulite is.

Cellulite is fat that protrudes out from the lower layers of skin into the dermis, or outer layer of the skin. Cellulite gives a dimpled appearance to the skin, often grotesquely described as a "cottage cheese" look. Commonly cellulite is seen on the rear end, thighs, and lower legs, though it can appear elsewhere.

Surprisingly, modern science still knows very little about the cause or causes of cellulite. We do know, however that between 85% and 98% of women (that's almost all women) have at least some cellulite somewhere on their bodies. So, contrary to popular misconception, then, and despite how used to seeing cellulite on obese people we may be, cellulite is not a derivative of being overweight.

Science has also observed that cellulite is less common in men, leading many researchers to believe there is hormonal component to its formation. Prevailing theories suggest that the appearance of cellulite could be related to one's diet, more specifically the ingestion of large amount of trans-fats as well as foods like pasta, white bread, and other foods heavy in white flour. Again, this is suspected, but not yet "known" or proven.

As is the case whenever a perceived new problem arises in our culture, manufacturers scamper to produce and release countless products targeting the cellulite-afflicted. You'll find gels, lotions, pills and more all promising to rid you of that unsightly cellulite. Do they work? So far there's nothing but anecdotal evidence supporting these products at best.

Another false hope in the battle against cellulite is liposuction, the removal of fat from the body through surgery. Liposuction does not suck out cellulite.

Some sufferers have found that certain kinds of massage may produce a temporary reduction in the appearance of cellulite on the body, but not a reduction in the actual existence of it. This is because there are no blood vessels in subcutaneous fat, so when the body is massaged and circulation below the skin is stimulated, the surface of the skin appears smoothed out. Massage, then, is only a superficial solution to cellulite, and one with effects lasting only for the short term.

The only steps so far that have shown to make any real and lasting reduction in cellulite are the same steps advised for proper and effective weight loss: a healthy lifestyle. Eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, and getting plenty of both exercise and rest seems to be the only known remedy for unsightly and embarrassing cellulite. It's not reinventing the wheel, and it's no quick fix ... but it works. And when it comes to looking and feeling good, what works is all that matters.


Cure For Cellulite

Cellulite- what is it?

Cellulite is the dimpled appearance of skin on the thighs of women. It also occurs on the buttocks. As women age, cellulite tends to increase. It looks like orange peel. The skin is not smooth, but has dimples on it. That is because of the uneven fat distribution below the skin layer.

Cellulite- why does it form?

Cellulite is a problem of displacement of fat below the skin. As we age, the dermal layer loses collagen and strength. As the dermal layer loses collagen, a shift takes place in the way the fat is placed below the skin. This uneven fat causes the dimples. If you believe that getting liposuction done will help, please drop the thought. It does not. The fat distribution cannot be reversed. Cellulite is something like wrinkles on the face. As we age, the collagen breaks down and reduces and we get wrinkles. Cellulite is similar. The only difference is that wrinkles can be treated easily while cellulite cannot be treated that easily. The way we get wrinkles on the face, we get Cellulite on thighs and buttocks. Why only women get it and not men is another question that will be answered below.

Cellulite- can it be prevented?

Cellulite cannot be prevented. There is no difference in the Cellulite fat and other body fat. The difference lies in the way the fat is laid out below the skin. That causes the dimples. Cellulite does not depend upon the weight. Even underweight women can get it. Cellulite depends on genetics, hormones and aging. Men rarely get it.

Cellulite- what is the treatment?

There are no treatments for cellulite. Some massages can help but only for few days. There is no permanent cure, though supplements, pills and creams are being sold claiming cellulite cure. People talk of different diet that will help treating cellulite. Creams are sold promising cellulite free appearance. Alternative therapies are suggested. Because there is no sure cure for cellulite, innocent customers are made to believe many things. Please don't try anything unless your doctor says- yes. Cellulite cannot be treated that easily.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.


Cellulite Information & Vital Facts

Cellulite is a common term used to describe overfilled fat pockets right under your skin. These are fat cells that have become enlarged causing these cells to take up more space between the skin's connective tissues than normal. The fat then expands these spaces resulting in the overlying skin dimpling, often called the orange peel effect.

It appears in ninety percent of post-adolescent women and is rarely seen in men. Common areas where cellulite is found, are the thighs, buttocks, and the abdomen. Contrary to popular belief, cellulite is not related to obesity, since it occurs in overweight, normal, and thin women. Cellulite causes many image problems and many women avoid wearing short skirts or shorts because of it.

Some of the contributing factors for developing cellulite are:

Heredity. However, you can still do a lot to fight cellulite.

Not drinking enough water. Water helps flush toxins and waste from your body. Drink seven to eight glasses of water a day.

Diet. Poor eating habits (alcohol, caffeine, spicy or fatty foods) contribute to the formation of cellulite because the toxins they produce get trapped in the fatty tissue. Saturated fats block the arteries and get trapped in the tissue as well, preventing sufficient waste and toxin elimination.

Smoking is not only bad for the skin and lungs, but it weakens the skin by causing constriction of capillaries. It also damages the connective tissue and can increase the dimpling effect of cellulite.

Tension and stress can cause a muscle to seize up in pain; they can also cause the connective tissue that covers that muscle to seize up. Tension can also block the tissue, preventing proper waste elimination and purification.

Medication can disturb the body's natural processes, disturbing the purification system that is naturally in place. Diet pills, sleeping pills and diuretics can all lead to cellulite; oral contraceptives, which increase the body's oestrogen, cause fat cells to enlarge, leading to water retention. Retaining water inhibits the body from flushing the system of toxins, leading to the formation of cellulite.

Lack of exercise contributes to the formation of cellulite. Exercise decreases many health risks and also helps fight cellulite. It improves muscle tone, circulation and overall well-being, helping to break blocked tissue and purify the body.

Cellulite Treatments

There are three main treatments for cellulite; namely, endermologie, cosmetic surgery, and topical creams or lotions.


The Endermologie machine, developed in France over a decade ago, has been found to have an effect in fighting cellulite. It uses rollers and gentle suctioning to deeply massage the affected areas, increasing circulation. Toxins and abnormal water buildup are expelled as connective fibres are stretched. Endermologie also exfoliates the skin, leaving it soft and silky. The increased circulation may give you a natural energy boost. Many sessions are normally needed. This can add up to several hundred dollars.

Cosmetic Surgery

Treatments like liposuction (surgery to remove fat) and mesotherapy (injection of drugs into cellulite) are either expensive or may produce only temporary improvement. Many doctors advise against liposuction to reduce cellulite because it is designed to remove deep fat instead of cellulite, which is close to the skin. This is performed by a plastic surgeon and can be expensive compared to other methods. Consult with your doctor if you want to explore this further.

Cellulite Creams or Lotions

This is the safest and most popular way to reduce the problem. Because cellulite is actually little pockets of fat under your skin, your blood circulation does not easily reach these areas. Specially formulated creams can help.

Some of the ingredients used in these products include :

Algae extract - which can help break down fat and increase your metabolism.

Green tea extracts - will back up the algae extract and increase the rate at which your fat is broken down to form smooth tissue.

Retinol A - a compound that is a derivative of Vitamin A and targets your skin and connective tissues directly to condition and strengthen. Retinol A has a rejuvenating effect on your skin, and will decrease your cellulite while preventing it from becoming worse over time. It can improve your skin's texture, so your skin will become smoother and firmer and this helps your cellulite vanish even faster.

Creams or lotions are the most economical of the three treatments, however like the others, it may take a couple of months to see measurable results.



Cellulite is fat that is caught between bands of connective tissue directly beneath the skin that creates a lumpy, bumpy orange peel appearance mostly on the hips, thighs and backsides of most women.  While not life threatening, it is ugly, unsightly and embarrassing if you're the one that has it.

Because cellulite is primarily caused by fat, reducing the body's fat content by creating a caloric deficit either by eating less or exercising is the first step for reducing cellulite. However, diet and exercise do not always give women (and some men) the results that they're looking for. This is where treatment options come in.

Cellulite is located right beneath the skin which is why many treatment options involve -treating the fat, -relaxing the bands of connective tissue and -proper skincare. Treating the fat involves both aerobic and anaerobic (muscle conditioning) exercises and proper diet with some caloric restrictions as mentioned above.

There are two treatments that are purported to minimize cellulite by relaxing the bands of connective tissue that "hold" the fat. One is called Endermologie and the other is called VelaSmooth. Endermologie is usually performed in a plastic surgeon or cosmetic dermatologist's office. It uses a motorized device that that has 2 adjustable rollers with suction that creates smooth and regulated deep tissue mobilization. In order for it to be effective, the client must have several consecutive treatments and then follow up treatments for maintenance. The results are often visible somewhat quickly but are temporary if maintenance isn't done.

VelaSmooth is the newest technology in the realm of cellulite treatments. It uses both infrared red light and radio frequency waves to relax the bands of connective tissue that trap fat and make it appear bumpy. It's non-invasive and must be done twice a week for 5 weeks and then monthly. The initial results of VelaSmooth are very promising.

Proper skincare in the cellulite prone areas can reduce it's appearance. There are a number of cellulite creams, gels and lotions that work temporarily to varying degrees. It's important to use these topical treatments as directed. It's also important to make sure that the cream or gel is massaged in well in order to stimulate circulation. Some of these products work better than others so it's a matter of trial and error as well as persistence for topical treatments to work effectively.



Are you ready for the newest technique for cellulite treatment? This is something that the beautiful Jane Jetson would be mighty proud of to say the least.

If you've been waiting for the quick fix of cellulite treatment then your time looks like it may have arrived my friend.

It seems that as quickly and easily it is to get your eyes in tip top 20/20 shape, it's just as easy with the new technique of laser surgery for cellulite removal.

Yes maam, how happy are you to hear this glorious news?

What's more, the "FEL", or free-electron-laser will very likely be used to blast away acne as well in the next couple of years.

Here's what is happening so far though. The FEL beam can be produced very specificly, to heat and break down fat tissue, without damaging other body tissue.

In an article in The Times (Online) by Sam Lister, the good news on the new cellulite treatment was stated like this:

"Using the FEL, which is much more powerful than a conventional laser, the scientists were able to choose selected laser wavelengths that could heat up the fat, which was then broken down and excreted by the body".

Another huge benefit will be when the technique will be used to break down plaque in arteries. In fact, the cellulite removal
may be the secondary benefit in the grander scheme of it all don't you think.

Before you get excited however, it looks like this treatment won't be hitting the local strip malls just yet. It's being successfully tested on pig fat (not a bad place to start actually).

But, don't fret. There's still a lot that you can do to treat cellulite on your own. Not as easy as zapping it away, but hey, you appreciate more what you actually have to work for.



Cellulite is fat that is caught between bands of connective tissue. The fat globules caught underneath the skin tend to create the appearance of bumps and ridges. It is difficult to get rid of, but not impossible. Every woman can reduce the appearance of cellulite if she gets on and sticks to a cellulite reduction program.

The following checklist is a list of things that people can do to treat cellulite. Sometimes it's hard to stick to a program, but if a person gets organized and has a clear plan, then at least they have the tools to get started. The cellulite treatment checklist will provide a plan to reduce cellulite.


Make a checkmark next to every item below on a weekly basis.

1.____ Cardiovascular Exercise: Cardiovascular exercise is essential in any cellulite reduction plan. It will help you to loose fat and increase circulation which also helps in the reduction of cellulite. You can do just two 10 minute bouts of cardiovascular exercise per day to get you started on the fat burning path. Just be sure that you get your heart rate high enough so that you are in the training zone. You can monitor your exercise intensity by being aware of your breathing rate. You should be breathing hard enough so that you can't sing but you should have enough breath so that you can carry on a conversation. Try to fit in as much cardiovascular exercise as you can every week.

2. ____ Find one thing in your diet that you will cut out or substitute with a lower or no calorie substitution. Here are some examples: -diet soda or water for regular soda, -non-caloric butter spray for butter or margarine, -mustard mixed with nonfat mayo instead of full fat mayo for a spread, -carrot sticks instead of potato chips for a snack

3. ____ Keeping in mind your budget and accessibility, explore some of the various external treatment options. This may include topical treatments, Endermologie, massage and Velasmooth. When picking a topical treatment, it's a good idea to review the list of ingredients to make sure that you aren't allergic to any of them. Velasmooth is the first cellulite reduction treatment to be approved by the FDA. It's relatively new, so you may have to investigate whether it's available in your area.

4. ____ Use your Secret Weapon, your mind and visualize your body beautiful and cellulite free. This may sound very simplistic but it really works. Try closing your eyes and putting yourself into a relaxed state of mind. Slow your breathing rate down. Now focus and picture your body toned up with no cellulite. If this doesn't suit you, then use visualization to picture yourself taking the steps to implement your plan to reduce cellulite. Many of us have trouble staying disciplined, so you may want to use this space to "see" yourself exercising and eating right. Give it a try.



So what exactly is this evil cellulite that so many of us suffer from? Simply put its small amounts of fat that become trapped in pockets just below the skins surface. Because the fat is close to the surface, it creates the icky cottage cheese appearance we all love so much. Thankfully there is an entire market developing around a new product, the Cellulite Reducer.

The answer for the last couple of decades to Cellulite has been liposuction. Simply put they suck the fat out of you, but since it is a medical procedure there are risks associated with it. Risks associated with Liposuction are:

Scars, swelling, infections, contour irregularities, and loose skin just to name a few.

Combine the medical risks associated with the expense of liposuction and it shouldn't be a hard decision to give a good cellulite reducer a try before going under the knife. It's a safer alternative and a lot less costly.

So how does a cellulite reducer work? If it's not pulling the fat out of the problem areas how does it act on them from the outside?

First thing is there are some pill-based products that you can take as a cellulite reducer. It's not really the best way to cure cellulite because blood doesn't run well in the areas where cellulite exists. With low blood flow, it's difficult to get the active ingredients to the area to reduce the cellulite. However you may think that's it's just as difficult to solve the cellulite problem from the outside in.

Not true, many cellulite reducers that are cream based products are applied to the affected area once or twice a day but they use active ingredients to actually shrink the fat below the skin. By shrinking the fat cells skin becomes more toned, and moisturized in the process.

It makes more sense to give a cellulite reducer a try. Of course the products do work. Most companies have many testimonials on their site about successful clients, but these products also have no medical risks and will not hurt your pocket book as much. In as little as 2 weeks some products will show an improvement, but you do need to be committed to the system.

Remember nothing happens over night, you need to follow the product instructions, and ensure you give the cellulite reducer time to do its job. Many products offer a free trial, or money back guarantee you should take advantage of this to test out the different products on the market, and if you're not satisfied with them get your money back. It's a competitive market out there, and there are many cellulite reducers to choose from, they all want your business so educate yourself, get out there and get rid of cellulite!


Cellulite - Causes and Treatments

Cellulite refers to the fat stored on specific body parts especially on the abdomen. It looks like orange peel or cottage cheese under the skin.


Cellulite is a fat tissue that appears below the skin's surface. People does not need to be overweight to have cellulite, in fact, skinny people can have some on their buttocks, breasts, thighs, and abdomen. Cellulite is cause by the following:

1. Genetics.

People who have close relatives that have cellulite are more prone to it. Studies show that almost 85% of women who have cellulites have relatives (mostly parents) affected by the same problem at least once in their lives.

2. Lack of exercise.

People who do not exercise need to tone their muscles to prevent cellulite formation. Following a cardiovascular program or strength training is one way in keeping cellulite away from the body. Walking, jogging, and swimming are also fun activities to avoid cellulites.

3. Poor eating habits.

Unhealthy food together with excess consumption of alcohol, caffeine or spicy foods are closely linked to cellulite formation. When a person takes too much of these foods, the body looses its ability to flush the toxins they produce so they are stored in the fatty tissue. Experts recommend 8 glasses of water everyday instead of caffeine or alcoholic beverages.

4. Smoking.

Few people know that smoking is one of the causes of cellulite formation. It weakens the skin by constricting the capillaries and harms the connective tissue. As a result, the skin develops cellulites.

A surefire way to reduce or eliminate cellulite is through a healthy diet, consistent exercise, and enough water to remove the toxins from the body.


There are a lot of cellulite remedies in the market today. Some of them are the following:

People who are suffering from excessive cellulites and have the need to eliminate them as soon as possible resort to liposuction. This is the removal of cellulite or fat deposits through surgical procedure. Although liposuction has potential side effects, more and more people are going for it because of its fast and excellent results.

However, people who do not have the budget or the guts to try liposuction use cellulite creams that contain minerals, herbs, antioxidants, and vitamins. These creams provide needed moisture and increase the blood supply to remedy damaged and dehydrated cellulite-affected body parts. These creams have low approval rate because minimal results can be seen in few months.

Cellulite lift on the other hand, has very promising results. This is specifically designed for people who have lost considerable amount of weight that resulted to excess skin. As of today, cellulite lift is the most invasive procedure to restore youthful, firm skin. While it promises great results, it also comes with disadvantages. It can leave extensive scar and longer recovery period for the patient.

Another treatment is called Laser Lipolisis. This technique was developed in Italy. This is done by inserting fiber-optic laser through small incisions on the target body part. This laser absorbs more than 500 grams of body fat.

Cellulite is one of the biggest problems being faced by Americans today. However, with the prevention tips and techniques, cellulite should be no big deal! Learn how to fight it and have get a body beautiful in no time.


Alternatives For Cellulite Reduction

Are there any cellulite reduction alternatives? With the rare exception, liposuction is generally considered cosmetic surgery. For this reason liposuction is not considered as medically necessary.

Because of this, the decision is up to you whether or not to undergo liposuction procedure. You may decide that it is not right for you. And you can make that determination right up to the point of actually having the procedure.

Liposuction Alternatives
- Exercise.
- Accept your body and appearance as it is.
- Change diet to lose some excess body fat.
- Use clothing or makeup to downplay or emphasize body or facial features.
- Try some of the other methods such as topicals or body wrapping.

Whatever method you select for cellulite reduction make certain that, you have done your due diligence and select the most suitable method with the least amount of risk to obtain the results you desire.

There really is no alternate for good, old-fashioned, healthy nutrition and exercise. The tried and true methods do work:

1. Watch your diet.
2. Incorporate fresh and natural foods into your diet.
3. Get plenty of fiber.
4. Avoid high fat foods.
5. Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
6. Limit the consumption of caffeine and alcohol
7. Quit or cut down on smoking.
8. Get plenty of exercise.
9. Avoid medications not necessary to health and well being.

You can rid your body of excess toxins and promote a general state of health by following a regimen of good health, nutrition and exercise that is optimum for pursuing any program for dealing with cellulite.


Cellulite exercises, which will help you to get rid of cellulite, are weight training and cardiovascular exercises. These two exercises when done together will help you a lot in reducing cellulite.

Cardiovascular exercises include walking, jogging and swimming. Where as weight training exercises are simple to complex, which include squats, lunges, leg presses, leg curls, etc. Along with this cellulite exercises a five minutes massage and drinking of plenty of water will increase the blood flow, which indeed reduces cellulite.


Walking is an incredible exercise, which is useful in many ways. Walking puts the body in continuous rhythmic motion and benefits most parts of the body. It is not just the feet and legs but also the neck muscles, shoulders, back, abdomen and arms that you are putting into motion.


This is another wonderful exercise, which is useful in many ways. Body as a whole, will be getting benefited with jogging by strengthening the cardiovascular system, improving blood circulation, toning up muscles and thus helpful an exercise to get rid of cellulite.


Swimming is a great activity. It tones your entire body while providing an excellent cardiovascular workout; it strengthens your heart muscle and improves delivery of oxygen to muscles. Swimming is also a relaxing activity.

Weight Training

Weight training exercises to get rid of cellulite can range from simple to complex. Exercises such as squats and lunges are easy to do at home since they simply use the weight of your own body. Free weights can be used at the gym or purchased for home use and can be incorporated into exercises like squats.

You can find different weight training machines in Gyms and health clubs that have built in weight systems and provide a range of different exercises such as leg presses and leg curls.